Contrary to the popular wisdom of TLC, waterfalls are in fact great things to chase

En route to your next stop, please enjoy a stroll
A walk and a waterfall - it’s good for the soul!

Once you get to Trentham Falls, the viewpoint sign is your clue
The puzzle below will spell out the next destination for you!

P7, W15, L3
P8, W16, L5
P3, W4, L2
P1, W1, L1
P5, W2, L7

P2, W2, L2
P8, W16, L5
P3, W3, L1
P1, W3, L2
P2, W9,L2
P5, W5, L2
P8, W7, L5

P8, W4, L1
P2, W2, L2
P5, W8, L4
P4, W9, L9
P8, W16, L5
P2, W24, L10

(Look for this)

Screen Shot 2019-03-15 at 10.31.15 am.png

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Tap Here For A Hint

Think Paragraph, Word, Letter!

When you are finished, click below to check your solution.


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